
导读 大家好,乐乐来为大家解答以下的问题,关于我生待明日万事成蹉跎出自哪首诗,我生待明日万事成蹉跎的意思这个很多人还不知道,那么今天让乐乐...


1、帮你查到网上版本: 明日歌 Song of Tomorrow 钱鹤滩 by Qian Hetan 明日复明日, 明日何其多! 我生待明日, 万事成蹉跎。

2、 Tomorrow upon tomorrow, So many tomorrows have gone! If we only eye on tomorrow, Nothing in the world can be done! 世人苦被明日累, 春去秋来老将至。

3、 朝看水东流, 暮看日西坠。

4、 百年明日能几何? 请君听我《明日歌》。

5、 People are cumbered by tomorrow, As seasons alternate, old they grow. In mornings, we see rivers eastward flow. At nightfalls, we see sunsets westward glow. This life, how many tomorrows do you know? Please listen to my "Song of Tomorrow".。

