This graph shows这个图表描述了……
Aswe can see from the graph,从这个图表我们可以看出
The cause of + problem isclear-cut造成…….问题的原因是显而易见的
Oneis that +原因,the other that +原因一个原因是……另一个原因是…….
Tosolve the overweight problem为了解决体重超重问题。
The cause of the problem:
A: Eat too much junk food, likeMacDonald and KFC.
Children love junk food but this kind of food contains too much heat.
B:They do less and less exercises.
They are too many couch potatoes sittingin front of TV all day long and eating non-stop.有太多窝在沙发里看电视的孩子。他们看电视的时候还不停地吃东西
The way of solution:eat less high-calory food and do more exercises , or the problem will becomeeven severer.少吃高热量的食物并多做运动,否则这个问题会变得更严重。
Children’s Weight Problem in the US
This graph shows the children’s overweightproblem in the US. As we can see from the graph, the percentages of overweightchildren aged from 6 to 11 overweight children aged from 6 to 11 increasedsharply in the past three decades. In early 1970s, only 4% of children hadweight problem , but the number nearly doubled in the late 1970s. And by theend of 2002, the percentage reached to 16%, four times of that in 1974.We canalso find that the increasing trend is still on its way.
The cause of overweight problem isclear-cut. One is that children eat too much junk food , like MacDonald andKFC. Children love junk food but this kind of food contains too much heat.
The other is that they do less and lessexercises. There are too much couch potatoes sitting in front of TV all dayalong and eating non-stop.
To solve the overweight problem, parentsshould ask their children to eat less high-calory food and do more exercises,or the problem will become even severer.
1. The picture shows that=look at the picture below, it describes astory….这张图片展示了….
2. From the picture, we can see 从图片我们可以看到…
3. Take sth seriously 认真地对待某事 the only child in the family独生子女
4. For all above鉴于以上所述
Thepicture shows some primary students who are receiving military training. Lookat those children , they are wearing uniforms and hats, standing straight in aline. From the picture we can see that they take the training seriously and tryto do their best.
Nowin China, most children are the only child in their families. It is for surethat their parents love them so much that they don’t want their children to behurt in any way. So they would do everything for their children . This willresult in children’s lack of ability to be independent. Taking militarytraining can make the children learn to be independent, because children haveto do everything by themselves during the training .No one would wash clothesfor them to eat. Besides, children don’t do enough exercises today due to theirstudy assignments. Taking military training also helps them to do someexercises.
For all above, I think taking military training is good for children. But we shouldconsider that children are still young , and the training task shouldn’t be toohard.
1. Becausethe way the child learns now is the way he or she will treat his or her parentsin the future.因为孩子们现在学到的方式就是将来他们父母的方式
2. The picture on the left shows…/Thepicture on the right describes…
3. It’s our duty to treat the elderlywell.好好对待老人是我们的责任
4. On the contrary相反
5. Do not follow the example of themother in the left picture.不要学左边图画里的那位母亲
It’s very important to teach children how to treat the elderly. Because the way the child learn show is the way he or she will treat his or her parents in the future. But still many mothers give wrong ideas to their children. The picture on the left shows the selfishness of the mother completely, as she tells her son to eat the applewithout giving any to his grandmother. On the contrary, many mothers teach their children in a proper way. The picture on the right describes a nice mother who asks her son to give a bigger apple to his grandmother.
Basically, mothers in our country can be divided into thetwo types as described in the two pictures. It’s clear who should be criticized. It is our duty to treat the elderly well. Do not follow the example of the mother in the left picture.
From the picture wecan see the expenses on education and entertainment,transportation and communications in 2004 have increased a lot compared with与…相比 that in 1995. But the expense on food and clothing accounts for smaller and smaller proportion of the total expenses. 但是衣食方面的.开销占总开销的比例越来越小了。
There are many reasons for有多种理由 these changes of consumption pattern. 消费结构的变化The most important one is that people’s living standard hasimproved a great deal人们的生活水平提高了很多. People have more money to spend on education and entertainment. They want to enjoy life and see the world. They no longer stay at where they live, but go out traveling more often. The percentage of expenseson food and clothing is falling over the time span. This means our income is increasing, 我们的收入在增长and food and clothing are no longer our main need in life.不再是我们生活的主要需求
In short, people are getting richer. And this means ourcountry is getting stronger.我们的国家变得越来越强大That is what we are looking forward to and it really happens.这正是我们所期待的,也是正在发生的。
The two pictures describe两张图片描述了two different attitudes towards两种不同的态度going to school. In the picture on the left左图, the boy runs into the school happily yelling that “I am already a pupil”. He is so proud and excited to go to school, and his grandpa who is sending him to school looks pleased. On the contrary相反地, the boy in the picture on the right is very upset when he leaves school. And he says “To be a pupil is just to do homework”,And his grandpa looks depressed.
There are so many children who are excited to go to school at first but disappointed by the fact that schooling is doing the homework.
This situation must be changed. Otherwise,否则going to school will always be a suffering to the children.
In the first picture, a farmer was sowingthe seeds播种 bought from a so-called famous seedcompany. 所谓的知名种子While in the second picture, the farmer was disappointed at the poorresult of this his efforts, wondering why it should be like this.
The sharp contrast points out a grave problem.强烈的对比揭露了一个严重的问题Nowadays, some companies that provide agricultural materials 提供农业生产资料are oriented by profits被利益所驱使,thus neglecting the interests of farmers.无视农民的利益Therefore, farmers’ interests are harmed by the deceptive behavior骗人的行为 of those companies.
I think this kind of phenomenon calls forhigh alert from the government 要求政府高度注意,because that may bring disastrousre sults to agricultural output带来灾难性的后果, and even harm national economy国民经济. To conclude总之 , I am looking forward to the coming out of a new law to regulate the agricultural market规范的农业市场, which can effectively projectfarmers’ interests.