本项考试内容:涉及个人信息的诸多方面,考官的提问更是千变万化,但一定设计个人信息的某个方面。通常,为了核对考生资格,考官会问以下问题:What’s your name?/can you spell your family name?/can you spell your surname?/ what’s your number? 回答范例:My name is Ray. That’s R-A-Y, Ray.
2.听清考官所问之问题。若没有听懂,可以要求考官重复其问题。方法:使用I am sorry but could you repeat your question?/I beg your pardon, Madam(Sir)?等句型。
实用技巧:A. 对于考官提出的特殊疑问句,首先使用单词、词组或句子给予明确的答复。然后阐述理由。B. 对于考官提出的一般疑问句,首先答复yes或者no,然后阐述理由。C. 对于考官提出的选择疑问句,方法同A。
General Procedure
Examiners’ greeting and self-introduction
Candidate’s names and hometowns
Marksheets required
Questions for reference
Can you tell me about yourself?
Can you tell me about your hometown?
Can you tell me about your friends?
Could you tell me about the facilities in your hometown?
Could you tell me about your reasons for learning English?
Could you tell me about your interests outside college or work?
Could you tell me about your ambitions for the future?
Could you tell me why you chose this type of work?/these studies?
Could you tell me how much you use English at work?/in your studies?
Could you tell me what you like best about your work?/studies?
Could you tell me what you like least about your work/studies?
Could you tell me how important you think English is in business life in China?
Could you tell me how important you think imports and exports are to China?
Could you tell me what effect you think technology is having on business life in China?
Could you tell me what effect you think advertising has on people in China?
Could you tell me how working life is changing in China?
Could you tell me how important you think the tourist industry is to China?
Can you tell me about your reasons for choosing your profession or studies?
Can you tell me what you hope to achieve professionally in the next five years?
Can you tell me how important a foreign language is to you in your work or studies?
Can you tell me how you relax from your work or studies?
Can you tell me what you would like to change about your work or studies?
Can you tell me whether you would like to work or study in a foreign country?
Can you tell me which foreign language you think will be most important in the future for business in China?
Can you tell me what you think is the biggest change in working life in China?
Can you tell me how important you think it is for people who work in business in China to be familiar with information technology?
Can you tell me which professions are most useful for China?
Can you tell me how people’s attitudes to work are changing in China?
Can you tell me which you think are the most important new commercial activities in China?